Unleash your creative side with Alien Skin’s Alt Photo app
posted Friday, October 26, 2012 at 1:10 PM EST

If driving around trying to find places to buy and process film using the Kodak app we reported on earlier today doesn't seem like your idea of fun, then perhaps a new iPhone app from Alien Skin software will be more your cup of tea.
If you like to fiddle with your images in post-processing, chances are you're already familiar with Alien Skin through a raft of Windows and Macintosh plugins for Photoshop, Lightroom, and Elements such as Bokeh, Blow Up, Exposure, Image Doctor, and Snap Art.
The new Alien Skin Alt Photo app takes the company onto a new platform: Apple's mobile iOS operating system.

Alien Skin Alt Photo aims to recreate the look of film photography--simulating everything from Tintype and Daguerrotype to Kodachrome and Technicolor--for photos shot on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. It can operate both on full-resolution photos, and with the 1:1 square-cropped aspect popular with the Instagram crowd. On capture, you can preview various effects and frames, either as small thumbnails or large previews which you swipe between.
Of course, attractive images aren't much use unless you can get them off your iDevice and onto the web. Alt Photo caters to sharing with support for Facebook, Flickr, Instragram, Twitter, and good old-fashioned email, so friends and family can see your masterpieces too.

And if you change your mind about whether your images would be better with a particular effect applied, you can grab existing shots from your camera and swap the existing style for a new one.
Pretty cool for an app that currently lists for the intro price of just around US$1! For more details, visit the Alien Skin website or grab the download from the App Store...