First Shots posted: Canon SL1, Sony A58, Ricoh GR, Samsung NX300, Sony HX300 and more
posted Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 3:06 PM EST

One of our team mentioned the other day in our staff meeting how there have been more than 100 cameras announced so far in 2013. Wow, that realization just floored us. We're doing our best to keep up with this high-tech onslaught -- and to turn around in-depth reviews for our readers as quickly as possible -- but you can hopefully appreciate the amount of work it takes to get all of them through the IR lab and into the hands of our reviewers.
So, while you wait, we have posted a robust set of "First Shots" from several of the latest cameras for your pixel-peeping pleasure. Click on the links below to see the First Shots (and our previews) from the following cameras:
Canon EOS SL1
First Shots
Hands-On Preview
Ricoh GR
First Shots
First Impressions Review
Samsung NX300
First Shots
Hands-On Preview
Samsung WB800F
First Shots
Sony A58
First Shots
Sony HX300
First Shots
Sony WX300
First Shots
With these First Shots you can compare the cameras' image quality against that of their predecessors and competing models, and even pit them side by side in our Comparometer™. We've been impressed with the images produced by a number of these new cameras, and we'd love to know what you think about them. There's some pretty interesting stuff here, the Canon SL1 (that's one small SLR), the Samsung NX300, the Ricoh GR, the Sony A58, as well as a few hot digicams. Let us know what you think in the comments below. (Feel free to ask questions, too -- we'll try to get answers for you.)