Storm chasing photographer captures stunning images of extreme weather


posted Friday, May 10, 2013 at 5:30 PM EDT


Photographer Camille Seaman has been chasing storms since 2008 and, in the process, has captured some breathtaking images of extreme weather. But tracking "supercells," which are towering cloud formations that produce the powerful thunderstorms Seaman photographs, is a laborious and time-consuming process that involves lots of driving across this country's Great Plains. It also isn't cheap and to help offset her costs, Seaman has launched a Kickstarter campaign that has already proved successful.

Seaman has received pledges more than doubling her initial goal of $6,900 and the money continues to pour in for her "Big Cloud Project," which will allow her to chase and photograph storms this summer for two full weeks. Seaman, who was named for Hurricane Camille of 1969, says she photographs these storms for educational and artistic purposes.

"I'm really hoping these pictures raise awareness of this extreme kind of weather — not necessarily in a fearful way, but also in an awesome way," she told Mashable. "I want people to know how magnificent and powerful our planet really is. Beauty is important to me: I know most people don't ever get to see the things that I get to see, so for now, I just want people to realize how awesome our planet really is."

The Blue Eye (V) - Kansas, USA, May 2008 (Photo by Camille Seaman)

Check out the video below where she recounts one dangerous but fortuitous storm chasing trip she took to South Dakota in 2008.

(Via Mashable)