Watch 360 spectacular day-long timelapses of the sky — all at once (VIDEO)


posted Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 1:48 PM EDT


We've seen year-long timelapses before, put together by people who have stashed cameras in remote locations for extremely long periods at a time. But this is the first time that we've seen 360 day-long timelapses, all played at once in an enormous grid.

Shot from famed San Francisco science museum, the Exploratorium, this video is the culmination of 360 days of footage taken over the course of a year from mid-2009 to mid-2010. A camera installed on the roof of the museum captured one frame every 10 seconds, and rather than combine all the footage into one long video, videographer Ken Murphy decided to make a mosaic of all the footage.

Dubbed "A History of the Sky," the days are arranged in chronological order, and time-synced. As you watch the video, you can see the sun rise at different times like a wave across all the videos.  You also get a feeling for just how often San Francisco is beset by its famed grey fog. It's a wonderful way to watch a year of sky, in just five minutes.

(via Astronomy Photo of the Day)