It took 100,000 photos to make this timelapse (VIDEO)


posted Monday, November 11, 2013 at 12:22 PM EST


Creating a timelapse video isn't easy. A hyperlapse — which is a timelapse in motion — is doubly so. But this incredibly hyperlapse video from Matthew Vandeputte beggars belief, as it's comprised of more than 100,000 images, shot over the course of a year all across the globe, and with every subject imaginable.

On Vimeo, Vandeputte described the as:

This past year I've been shooting more than ever, and more than ever I've been shooting all over the globe. I lost count on the amount of sunsets, sunrises, moonrises, starry nights, cloudy nights, hyperlapses, timelapses, image sequences,... I captured, compiled and edited.
After weeks of editing and reviewing and re-editing after input from friends and colleagues I finally finished my Motion Timelapse 2013 showreel.
I shot well over 100000 images inbetween Belgium and Australia, using unreleased footage that was shot from over a year ago up until last week.

On a more technical front, he shot using primarily Canon gear, Yongnuo intervalometers, and Magic Lantern. Over on a Reddit thread, he added:

  • The technique used for the long motions is called Hyperlapse photography. It all started by some russian dudes doing it, I saw one of those shots and had to figure out how to do it myself bc it look awesome. That led me to get the Tomorrowland 2012 job (book opening), which led to Tomorrowland 2013 (other big setup). Defqon1 australia and Minus424 Israel are other recent events I shot at.
  • The startrails spiraling out is a completely new postprocessing technique that I developped last week after seeing some of Lincoln Harrisons work, user /u/hakka69 on here (hope he sees this, I'm a big fan!).
  • Interval depends on the shot, ranged from less than half a second to a minute between each shot!

He also mentioned that he had about 20 drives to hold all the Raw images, which sounds about right for 100,000+ photos.

All told it's an astonishing amount of work, but it obviously paid off, as the video is amazingly good. Vandeputte is rightfully getting a huge amount of praise for this work, and he deserves every bit of it.


(via PopPhoto)