Photo-narrative website Exposure helps your photos tell a story in style


posted Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 6:45 PM EDT


News of a new photo-sharing website crossed our desk today, and while that in itself isn't so out-of-the-ordinary, the site certainly looks to be.

Created by Elepath Inc., it's dubbed Exposure, and not only is it much more stylish than most, but it also seems to be very simple indeed to use, with gallery upload and creation handled through your desktop web browser. Unlike many such sites, where you simply cram images into shapeless, formless galleries and then spend far too much time tediously captioning every image, Exposure seems nicely designed to tease the narrative out of your photos with a minimum of effort.

A photo post on the Exposure site, showing the rich narrative format. Full posts can be much longer; we've just cropped the start of the post as an example.

The process of creating an annoted album -- or a post, in Exposure parlance -- is demonstrated beautifully in the short video below, wherein Elepath designer and Exposure co-creator Luke Beard pulls together a 17-shot album with narrative in just two minutes. You can see the final result in your browser here.

A two-minute introduction to creating a photo post in Exposure.

Exposure entered a public beta last month, and it's clearly proving pretty popular already, with some really beautiful albums listed in the Exposure Staff Edit section. (Luke Beard and his Exposure co-creator, Kyle Bragger, pick their favorite narratives to appear in this section.)

So... it's simple, easy, attractive, and looks quite powerful. There has to be a catch -- what is it? Well sadly, Exposure is invite-only at the moment, as Elepath work to ramp the service up. Our suggestion? Sign up now to request your invite, and in the meantime, enjoy browsing other users' gorgeous Exposure posts!

(via Laughing Squid)