NASA releases the 3.2-gigapixel selfie to end them all
posted Friday, May 23, 2014 at 5:19 PM EST

Selfie fans, put down your camera and back away slowly! We don't care how cool that shot you were about take of yourself with your favorite celeb or performing an extreme sporting maneuver is, it's officially just become redundant. US space agency NASA has taken the not-so-humble selfie and turned it up to 11 with what has to be the selfie to end them all -- an oh-so-meta selfie of our planet that is itself assembled from no less than 36,000 individual selfies.
The 3.2-gigapixel global selfie was created to celebrate Earth Day 2014. A month ago, NASA had people from across the globe take a selfie of themself holding a flier, then tweet it with hashtag #GlobalSelfie -- and it culled the 50,000 images received to create the just-released global selfie image as a photomosaic.
Admittedly, having tens of thousands of sheets of paper and an untold quantity of ink and power expended to create fliers that will go straight in the trash seems a bit of an odd way to celebrate Earth Day, but the environmental friendliness (or lack thereof) of the idea notwithstanding, the resulting image is pretty darned cool. View the zoomable version below, and if you took part, see if you can find your selfie among the 36,000. And if you, too, are feeling a little meta, perhaps get a selfie -- with your #GlobalSelfie selfie!
(via PetaPixel)