Wedding photographer charged with not handing over photos or paying his second-shooters
posted Monday, March 16, 2015 at 2:31 PM EST

A San Diego judge has ruled against Adam Brooks, a wedding photographer accused of accepting payments from clients without presenting them with the images from their special day. Additionally, he has been charged with hiring second-shooters without paying them for their time and talent.
All of this started back in February when a handful of newlyweds talked to San Diego’s ABC 10, explaining how they had been had by Brooks. They claimed they had paid for wedding photography, but never received the final images, well after Brooks attended and photographed the event.
Brooks’ website shares a statement claiming his photography company has filed for bankruptcy, but after diving into federal records, ABC 10 says they were unable to find any recent documents confirming the bankruptcy. They note, however, that Brooks did file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy almost six years ago.

An investigation into Adam K. Brooks is currently underway by San Diego Police Department’s fraud division.
Although the case is far from over for Brooks, the couples have at least obtained financial repayment, with a San Diego Small Courts judge awarding the three couples a total of $18,000 in damages, which is to compensate for the payments given to Brooks; the payments that should have been made to the second-shooters; and a little extra for the couples to recreate their wedding photos. It wasn’t much of a fight though, as Brooks defaulted guilt when he failed to appear in court.
While money talks, it doesn’t heal all. The newlyweds who were scammed by Brooks just want their photos back. From ABC 10:
“I had even said, I don’t care about the prints anymore,” newlywed Alishia Maceachern told 10News last month. “Please just give us, you know, the raw [photos].”
In total, Brooks has faced 5 charges, with the potential for more pending SDPD’s fraud investigation. All in all, it’s looking to be a messy situation for everyone involved.
It’s also worth taking a look at Brooks’ Yelp page, which is full of terrible reviews.
(via ABC 10)
Image credits: screencaps from ABC 10 broadcast