Skylight strives to be the most simple digital photo frame
posted Monday, March 30, 2015 at 3:29 PM EST

As technologically inclined as many of us may be, that’s not always the case for our friends and family. But, just because they’re technically challenged doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to keep up with the latest family happenings and share life’s most precious moments through images.
Here to help is Skylight, a 7” digital photo frame. Built around the basic premise the average digital photo frame, Skylight strives to take it to the next level by getting rid of the hassles that plague more traditional approaches to digital photo frames. Most notably, the need for USB drives and SD cards to display images and the need to physically be where the frame is to swap out the latest photos.

Instead, Skylight relies on a single, dedicated email address that you can send images to from any desktop or mobile device. Moments after being sent, the email and accompanying image is received by the WiFi-connected frame, which will then add the new photos to the slideshow of images.

For operation, the Skylight must be plugged into an outlet, as it has no internal battery. What it does have inside is 4GB worth of storage to make sure there’s plenty of room for all your photos.
Skylight will eventually retail for $119 a piece, but it won’t make it into production unless it gets funded on Kickstarter. If you choose to help get Skylight off the ground, you can pick up a ‘Super Early Bird’ special and pre-order your Skylight for a $99 pledge.