Bokeh Life, a photo-centric company designing ‘fine hats for fine people’

by Gannon Burgett

posted Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 12:41 PM EST

Meet Bokeh Life, a brand new, photography-centric company created by avid photographer, Instagram alum and current Dropbox designer, Tim Van Damme.

For the past month or so, Van Damme has been teasing the world with Bokeh Life, a project that started almost a year ago after a humorous question turned into a business opportunity. As shared on Bokeh Life’s ‘About’ page, the conversation that led to the creation went something like this:

“I wonder what it’d look like if I make the word ‘BOKEH’ look like the name of a metal band.”

“Cool, looks like something that would look nice on a hat.”

“Where can you make custom hats?”


Orders prototype on

Currently, Bokeh Life has two different designs and four variations in their hat lineup. One design has a crest of sorts, with an aperture design and ‘BOKEH LIFE’ sans-serif lettering on top, a design that blends elements of a soccer club crest and Shepard Fairey design. The other has ‘BOKH’ written in bold letters across the front, the kind of ‘metal band’ design Van Damme alluded to in the conversation that started this all.

Below are all four variations of hats currently available:


Van Damme admits Bokeh Life doesn’t have any specific direction in terms of how they plan on branching out. The only thing guiding the project is ‘the appreciation of photography, the 90’s, skateboarding, street style, and so on.’

Future plans will be determined by what Bokeh Life customers want, but it’s safe to say more clothing is probably on the horizon.

All current hats feature a 6-panel wool ‘snapback’ design, following in line with the skateboarding and street style Bokeh Life is inspired by. They cost $45 a pop plus shipping.

To check out the hats and make a purchase, head on over to Bokeh Life now.