This infographic shows you everything you need to know about selfies
posted Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 3:25 PM EST

Selfies are very much a trite topic, but to understand how self-portraiture turned into the phenomenon it currently is, we must look back to our past. Furthermore, we must understand the proper and ethical way to go about documenting ourselves, as to not further dilute the value of a self-portrait.
To assist the world with all of the above, infographic site Zippi has created a very thorough infographic titled ‘How To Take the Ultimate Selfie’.
As can be seen in all its glory below, the infographic walks us through the history of self-portraits, from the first selfie ever taken, an 1839 tintype photo captured by amateur chemist Robert Cornelius, to 2013, the year the Oxford Dictionaries announced ‘selfies’ as the word of the year.
After the history lesson, the infographic does its best to explain what to – and what not to do – when taking a selfie. Post workout selfie? Not a problem. Funeral selfie? Not a good idea.
Take a look at the impressive infographic and enjoy it for what it is. Sometimes we take photography too seriously, so it’s nice to step back and realize it’s not always about pixels and professionals.