Nikon D5 Image Quality Comparison
Below are crops from our laboratory Still Life target comparing Nikon D5 image quality to its predecessor, the D4S, as well as to its closest competitor, the Canon 1DX Mark II. We've also included the Nikon D500 and Canon 7D Mark II, since they offer the top frame rates currently available from pro-level Nikon and Canon APS-C DSLRs (~10 fps), as well as the Samsung NX1, which is capable of 15 fps.
NOTE: These images are from best quality JPEGs straight out of the camera, at default settings including noise reduction and using the camera's actual base ISO (not extended ISO settings). All cameras in this comparison were shot with our very sharp reference lenses. Clicking any crop will take you to a carrier page where you can click once again to access the full resolution image as delivered straight from the camera. For those interested in working with the RAW files involved, click these links to visit each camera's respective sample image thumbnail page: Nikon D5, Nikon D4S, Canon 1DX II, Nikon D500, Canon 7D II, and Samsung NX1 -- links to the RAW files appear beneath those for the JPEG images, wherever we have them. And remember, you can always go to our world-renowned Comparometer to compare the Nikon D5 to any camera we've ever tested!
Nikon D5 vs Nikon D4S at Base ISO
Nikon D5 vs Canon 1D X Mark II at Base ISO
Nikon D5 vs Nikon D500 at Base ISO
Nikon D5 vs Canon 7D Mark II at Base ISO
Nikon D5 vs Samsung NX1 at Base ISO
Nikon D5 vs Nikon D4S at ISO 1600
Nikon D5 vs Canon 1D X Mark II at ISO 1600
Nikon D5 vs Nikon D500 at ISO 1600
Nikon D5 vs Canon 7D Mark II at ISO 1600
Nikon D5 vs Samsung NX1 at ISO 1600
Nikon D5 vs Nikon D4S at ISO 3200
Nikon D5 vs Canon 1D X Mark II at ISO 3200
Nikon D5 vs Nikon D500 at ISO 3200
Nikon D5 vs Canon 7D Mark II at ISO 3200
Nikon D5 vs Samsung NX1 at ISO 3200
Nikon D5 vs. Nikon D4S, Canon 1D X Mark II, Nikon D500, Canon 7D Mark II and Samsung NX1
Nikon D5 Print Quality Analysis
High-quality prints up to 30 x 40 inches from ISO 50-800; Nice 8 x 10 inch prints all the way up to ISO 51,200; and a 5 x 7 inch print just squeaks by at ISO 102,400.
ISO 1600 prints still display amazingly low levels of noise and lots of fine detail. At this ISO, there is a bit of visible noise now, which limits prints to a very respectable 24 x 36 inches. Noise is, however, minimal enough that perhaps with careful post-processing a 30 x 40 inch print could be doable.
ISO 3200 images top-out with impressive 20 x 30 inch prints. Noise is understandably a bit stronger now, but at this size it's not much of an issue. Fine detail is great, and colors are still vibrant and pleasing.
ISO 6400 prints look great up to 16 x 20 inches. Stronger noise and a decrease in some fine detail prevent us from calling any larger sizes acceptable. That being said, you might be able to get away with a 20 x 30 inch print for less critical applications.
ISO 12,800 images have more visible noise, but there's still enough detail to make pleasing 13 x 19 inch prints.
ISO 25,600 prints display rather strong noise now, with noise reduction processing also taking its toll on fine detail. But, we can just squeak by with an acceptable 11 x 14 inch print at this ISO.
ISO 51,200 images display a remarkably low level of noise for such a high ISO. Here, the D5 can print an excellent 5 x 7 inch print, but noise is minimal enough that we think an 8 x 10 is usable here as well. Simply impressive!
ISO 102,400 prints just get by at up to 5 x 7 inches. Noise is quite strong now and has a noticeable effect on detail if you attempt to print larger.
ISO 204,800/409,600/819,200/1,638,400/3,276,800 images are all simply too noisy and lacking in detail for any sort of usable print. Particularly on the three highest expanded ISOs, noise is so strong that prints are completely unusable, even for less critical shots.
With a new 20MP full-frame sensor, the flagship Nikon D5 does an outstanding job with prints. Even up to ISO 800, the camera manages clean, crisp prints up to a whopping 30 x 40 inches. You're pushing the resolving power of the sensor, that's for sure, but detail is sharp and pixelation isn't much of an issue, especially at typical viewing distances for prints of this size. Going way up on the ISO scale, the camera still manages to impress us with rather large prints, such as a 16 x 20 at ISO 6400 and even an 11 x 14 at ISO 25,600. The D5 is also our new 8 x 10 champion, offering a usable print up to ISO 51,200. To date, no other camera has offered that kind of performance. The last useable ISO for prints is 102,400, which makes a decent 5 x 7. Cranking the ISO even higher results in images with too much noise and not enough detail for an acceptable print to our eyes.
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