Sigma 10mm f/2.8 EX DC Fisheye HSM

Lens Reviews / Sigma Lenses i Not yet tested
10mm $730
average price
image of Sigma 10mm f/2.8 EX DC Fisheye HSM

(From Sigma lens literature) The Sigma Corporation is pleased to announce the launch of the new 10mm f/2.8 EX DC Fisheye HSM lens.

This autofocus fisheye lens is designed for use with digital SLR cameras equipped with APS-C size image sensors. The Nikon version produces a diagonal angle of view of 180° (154° for Sigma, 167° for Canon). The diagonal field of view of this fisheye lens produces striking images with exaggerated perspective and distortion.

The minimum focusing distance of 13.5cm / 5.3 inch, and maximum magnification 1:3.3 allows subjects to be as close as 1.8cm / 0.7 inch from the lens' front element. This close focusing capability allows close-up photography and also it is possible to make use of large depth of field that covers wide range of subjects. The Integral hood blocks out extraneous light and the Super Multi-Layer Coating minimizes flare and ghosting, creating superior image quality.

The HSM (Hyper Sonic Motor) ensures fast and quiet autofocusing and allows full-time manual focus override by rotation of the focus ring.

This lens is supplied with a gelatin filter holder at the rear, allowing the use of gelatin filters.


  • Fisheye lens designed specifically for APS-C digital SLR cameras
  • 13.5cm minimum focusing distance and 1:3.3 maximum magnification allows close up photography
  • Equipped with HSM allowing full-time manual focus override
  • Equisolid angle projection system is possible for art and scientific use

Sigma 10mm f/2.8 EX DC Fisheye HSM User Reviews

8.4/10 average of 8 review(s) Build Quality 9.0/10 Image Quality 8.1/10
  • 6 out of 10 points and recommended by bananitax (86 reviews)

    reviewed June 18th, 2023
  • 10 out of 10 points and recommended by VS (5 reviews)
    High sharpness, starting with 2.8. Lovely color. Works well against the light.
    slightly heavy

    I have a new version of this lens, not wrinkled, and a sleek body.
    Before the Sigma 10mm f / 2.8 EX DC Fisheye HSM I tried to work with the Tokina 10-17mm f / 3.5-4.5 AT-X 107 AF DX Fisheye.
    Sigma in all respects was much higher Tokina.
    High sharpness, starting with 2.8. Lovely color. Works well against the light. I photographed the Sigma and Nikon D7100 anniversary of the school. Hundreds of people were sitting in the amphitheater of the great hall, and all persons were sharp and well recognized. I photograph them by nature, reportage, Flowers, Interiors, City. If you choose a good angle, photos do not disappoint anyone, and worthy of high printing editions

    reviewed November 7th, 2014 (purchased for $700)
  • 7 out of 10 points and recommended by billytompkins (1 reviews)
    at F8 or less--very sharp
    at 2.8---focus is off

    At 2.8, 3.5, 5.6--lens goes soft--especially at 2.8--which is disappointing since I shoot live music that is dark most of the times. At F8--its great, but F8 is the exception not the norm of my shooting. Too bad. I had the first lens glass fall out and Sigma replaced right away. The lens cap and circular overleaf are very sturdy builds which is nice. Too bad the lens is not sharp wide open. Sigma should recall and replace and I would buy more of their lenses.

    reviewed November 27th, 2010 (purchased for $700)
  • 10 out of 10 points and recommended by lensreporter (12 reviews)
    sharp from f4.5, very sharp from f6.3, nice building, f2.8 for interior
    CA´S - corner

    A real funlens, incredible sharp from f6.3, beautiful colours, great flare-control, very nice construccion! Only the CA´s are quiete strong in both corners, but we are talking here about 10mm! Incredible ultrawideangel (6,5mm in comparation to a normal lens) and with a nice program you can take off the distortions (fishrect). A great lens for creative amateurs and pros!

    reviewed May 16th, 2010 (purchased for $680)
  • 10 out of 10 points and recommended by arn (4 reviews)
    surprisingly sharp, HSM, VERY close focus, 3 year warranty
    moderate CA, which can be corrected

    I'm going to rate this lens a full 10 and not just because there's nothing else quite like this available. It is quite sharp wide open, but at it's best stopped down to f4.5 or further. The peculiarly named reviewer dpreview (?) should do well to try AF microadjustment. My lens needs +10 AF adjustment to focus properly and give sharp results (and some of my Canon lenses have need even more adjustment).

    This is a fun lens because of such a wide angle, sharpness, pretty good AF and close focusing combined.

    Do note, that there are excellent programs like Rectfish and Fisheye Hemi available, which can be used very effectively to remove the fisheye distortion but preserve most of the image area.

    reviewed January 21st, 2010 (purchased for $770)
  • 9 out of 10 points and recommended by rainerknappe (24 reviews)
    sharp-very sharp from f4-5, very good construccion, fast and silent
    not so sharp from f2.8-4.5

    Iam very satisfied with this new fisheye-lens. Excellent optic rendition (only wide open its a bit soft, but from f4,5 very sharp). Quick and silent AF and very solid construccion. I really dont understand the first valoration from deepreview (5) and not recommended! May be a decentering.....

    reviewed May 20th, 2008 (purchased for $600)
  • 10 out of 10 points and recommended by CajunMan (2 reviews)
    Great Optical Quality, Fast/Quiet Autofocus, Well Built, Autofocuses with ALL Nikon DSLRs
    Not Weather-Sealed

    First off, bear in mind that I purchased this Sigma fisheye to replace Nikon's 10.5mm f/2.8 fisheye. While I was happy with the Nikon's optical performance, I was disappointed with the AF design. Nikon's lens relies on the AF motor in the camera, which makes for noisy AF. In addition, this design precludes full-time manual focus touch-up. And finally, the lack of an in-lens focus motor precludes AF on the existing D40/D40x and new D60, as well as future Nikon DSLRs lacking an in-camera focus motor.

    In any event, when Sigma announced their fisheye lens a few months ago, I decided that I would purchase one. And I am very happy with it! The HSM provides autofocus performance as fast as the Nikon (at least on my Nikon D300 DSLR), while being eerily quiet.

    As for the optical quality, it appears to be virtually identical to Nikon's, which is to say excellent. Both lenses are slightly soft wide-open (i.e. at f/2.8), but sharpen considerably when close down one f-stop. Indeed, both lenses are almost as sharp at f/4 as they are at f/5.6.

    Besides the built-in autofocus motor, another difference between Nikon and Sigma's fisheye lenses is the field-of-view (FOV). Sigma's lens is 0.5mm wider, and provides a small -- but definitely noticeable -- increase in the angle of view.

    So, it all comes down to this:
    * Do you currently own a D40/D40x/D60, or plan to purchase one?
    * Do you prefer super-quiet AF to the noisy mechanical variety?
    * Do you prefer a better-built lens?

    The one advantage that Nikon's lens has is size/weight. While arguably not as durable and well-built as the Sigma, it is lighter and more compact. If this is important to you, then you may prefer the Nikon.

    As for Cons, there is one. Sigma's lens is, unfortunately, not weather-sealed. I was hoping that Sigma would at least utilize a gasket around the lens mount, but that is not the case. As such, I recommend against using this lens in rain/drizzle -- or in a super-humid environment. (It is important to note that Nikon's fisheye lens is not weather-sealed either, and also lacks a lens mount gasket.)

    Apart from the one aforementioned complaint, I highly recommend the Sigma 10mm fisheye lens. It provides all of the performance/quality of Nikon's fisheye lens, while providing fast and quiet autofocus to owners of ALL Nikon DSLR's, including the D40/D40x/D60. You will not be disappointed!

    reviewed February 16th, 2008 (purchased for $650)
  • 5 out of 10 points and not recommended by dpreview (1 reviews)
    Construction, HSM, comes with nice case
    Very soft wide open

    Bought this lens as an alternative for my EOS 5D/ EF 15-2.8 Fisheye combo. Tested the lens on my EOS 40D and was very disappointed by the image quality wide open. The image was far to soft, beyond recovering with Unsharp mask.
    This is really a pity because the construction and HSM autofocus is superior to the Canon EF 15-2.8.
    The lens is larger and quite a bit heavier (475 gr, 330 gr for the EF 15-2.8)
    Stopping down to f8 gives a comparable result with the Canon EF 15-2.8 (also stopped down to f8)
    Images made with this lens are a bit warmer (typical Sigma, one likes it or not, its a matter of taste) than the images made with the EF 15-2.8
    Also noticeable is the slight reduced angle of view (167 degrees instead of 180 degrees for the EOS 5D / EF 15-2.8 combo).
    The lens comes with a very nice padded case.
    The lenscap consist of two parts (cap and a kind of ring) and fits very tight (Canon might learn something here...) Leaving the ring on the lens gives a nice circular effect on the resulting image (not quite like a circular fisheye but still this is a nice feature).
    At the back of the lens is a slot for gelfilters (a metal plate to cut the filters in the right size is also provided with the lens)

    reviewed January 31st, 2008 (purchased for $800)