Russell Brown shines his flashlight on Photoshop Touch


posted Monday, November 21, 2011 at 4:56 PM EDT

Adobe's logo. Click here to visit the Adobe website!In a newly-released demonstration video Russell Brown, Senior Creative Director at Adobe Systems Inc., shows off a rather cool trick for relighting photographs in Adobe Photoshop Touch.

The video, which can be seen on the blog of Adobe's John Nack, details a clever combination of layers, the camera fill feature, and a flashlight. It's an effect that--while it could be achieved in Photoshop on the desktop--is made much more immediate and interactive thanks to Photoshop Touch's unique camera fill feature. We won't give away the details here; hop on over to John Nack's blog to see it for yourself.

Adobe Photoshop Touch was released for Android Honeycomb tablets on November 15th, and should also work with Ice Cream Sandwich-based tablets and phones due to ship imminently. Pricing on the Android platform is set at around US$10. A version for Apple's iOS smartphones and tablets is expected to ship early next year.