Check out even more incredible color footage from Britain in the 1920s


posted Monday, June 17, 2013 at 12:33 PM EST


Last month we showed a brief video of London shot in 1927, marking an extremely early use of color film footage. But it turns out that this snippet is part of a much larger collection of early color films titled The Open Road. Shot by Claude Friese-Greene using the Biocolor film technique created by his father, Claude ventured all across Britain to create a 26-part travelogue.

The Biocolor technique involved capturing the film by using a rotating set of colored filters in front of the lens. The film was then developed normally in black and white, and the frames hand-tinted red or blue to account for the filter used. When projected at high speed, it was a passable — if flawed — way of making color film footage.

Dozens of clips from The Open Road have been uploaded onto YouTube in a playlist, so you can take advantage of this amazing glimpse into the past, but still with some semblance of color.

(via MetaFilter)