Tamron puts an end to the warranty repair blues with speedy turnaround pledge
posted Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 2:57 PM EST

Ever had to send your photo gear in for repair? If so, you know that the worst part of the experience is being without your equipment for... how long will it be? Days? Weeks? Months? Often you won't know when you send it in -- but you do know that for all that time, you're potentially missing photos. Either you live with it, or you have to hand over your credit card to buy or rent replacement gear. Lens manufacturer Tamron USA feels your pain, and has taken big steps to fix the problem.
After its parent company in Japan challenged subsidiaries around the world with reducing turnaround times to just three business days, the US subsidiary raised staffing levels in its customer service and repair departments. The result is that Tamron USA will now turn around in-warranty lenses within three business days of receipt, and estimate repair costs for out of warranty lenses the same day. Once the company gets the go-ahead from the owner, it will then complete the repair on the out-of-warranty lens within three business days.

Whether covered by a warranty (currently six years in the US market) or not, the photographer will know just how long they'll be without their gear, and they'll be able to plan appropriately. And we'd imagine for all but pros and those anticipating a once-in-a-lifetime photo opp, they'll be able to avoid buying or renting more gear to fill the void.
What's particularly impressive is that the uprated service program doesn't discriminate based on the type of customer to whom a lens belongs. While several camera manufacturers offer quick warranty turnaround (or loaner product, should repair take longer), programs such as these are typically available only to pros who're making a living off their camera gear. By offering such swift turnaround to enthusiasts and amateurs, Tamron has put the needs of all of its customers first and foremost -- and in the process given itself a very worthwhile advantage over first-party lenses in the minds of the buying public.