Geeky wedding photography alert!: Super Mario video game-themed engagement shoot
posted Thursday, September 5, 2013 at 2:50 PM EST

What is it about wedding photography that brings out the inner geek in people? The other day we told you about the groom who made a point-of-view recording of his wedding using a pair of homemade, secret camera glasses. Yes, that's pretty geeky.
There there was the wedding photographer who crashed a flying camera drone into the groom's head during a bridal shoot. Geeky and, perhaps, a bit dumb. Then, of course, there were all those sci-fi, attack-themed bridal photos that became a wedding trend this past summer.
And now you can add to the geeky wedding list this engagement shoot in Spain, in which the prospective bride and groom dressed up like characters from the Super Mario video game series. Captured by the Valencia-based Fandi photo studio, the Super Mario images are certainly unique if, a bit nerdy.
But it looks like the happy couple, Raul and Blanca, are having a lot of fun with this clever shoot and that's what's most important!
(Via Fandi via Buzzfeed via When Geeks Wed)