Firmware Friday: Bugs squashed for Nikon D3200 DSLR, Canon GP-E2 GPS receiver
posted Friday, June 12, 2015 at 11:22 AM EST

After a brief hiatus last week, Firmware Friday returns today with news of two updates. One, for the Nikon D3200 DSLR, actually landed last week. The other, for Canon's GP-E2 GPS receiver accessory, arrived yesterday.
We'll start with the D3200, since our main focus here is on cameras. Nikon D3200 firmware version 1.04 fixes a problem that could cause a memory card error message to be shown, or the card access lamp to remain illuminated for an unusually long time. No other changes are made in this firmware, which you can download here.
The Canon GP-E2 firmware version 2.0.0 update, meanwhile, also squashes a couple of bugs in the previous release. Firstly, it was possible in some cases for the status lamp to indicate a GPS lock had been acquired before that was actually the case. Secondly, log files might not be correctly saved once available memory in the GP-E2 had run out. These bugs are both fixed in the new release, which also adds support for the recently-launched Canon EOS 5Ds, EOS 5Ds R, EOS Rebel T6s (aka EOS 760D) and EOS Rebel T6i (aka EOS 750D) DSLR camera bodies. You can download the update here.
And that brings us to the end of this week's updates. Check back next time for all the latest firmware news!
(Camera parts image courtesy of Kelly Hofer / Flickr; used under a Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0 license. Image has been modified from the original.)