NPPA is asking for your input on official copyright comments to U.S. Copyright Office
posted Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 12:53 PM EST

The National Press Photographers Association, more commonly referred to as NPPA, has announced it’s working on writing up official comments to submit to the United States Copyright Office in regards to protecting the copyrights of visual work.
The drafting of the official comments will be done by NPPA attorneys, who are using years of experience in the visual works fields, particularly drawing inspiration from years of working hand-in-hand with journalists across the globe.
In addition to internal thoughts and communication, NPPA has reached out to other photographers, asking for input on a number of topics. Below are four questions NPPA has asked for your feedback on:
What are your biggest challenges to monetizing and licensing your photographs?
What are your biggest challenges to enforcing your copyright?
What are your biggest challenges to registering your copyright?
If you are a person who uses photography, what are your biggest challenges to legally using photographs?
They ask that you send your answers to the above questions to Mickey Osterreicher (clicking this link will create an email pre-populated with the subject line and questions) before July 20th. NPPA also suggests sending your own comments to the United States Copyright Office using its official comment box, which you can find by clicking here.