10 things to learn from pro photographers

by Gannon Burgett

posted Friday, October 30, 2015 at 1:16 PM EDT

If you keep up with DigitalRev, you’ll know Kai has an ongoing series of videos titled ‘Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera’, wherein he gives a professional photographer a joke of a camera to challenge them to capture as great of an image as possible with it.

While these videos might be fun, they also provide wonderful tips for becoming a better photographer when you have great gear in your hands. Today, DigitalRev has shared a video that takes a look at ’10 Things To Learn From Pro Photographers’ that takes inspiration from past ‘Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera’ challenges.

For each tip, kai uses an example from a previous video, showing how a particular photographer makes the most of the situation. The video comes in at eight minutes long and is a great lunch-time watch.

For more DigitalRev videos, you can head on over and subscribe to their DigitalRev TV YouTube Channel.