Reflective light in landscape photography and recognizing great photographic light


posted Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 10:30 AM EDT


Along with producing regular behind-the-scenes video content, photographer Adam Gibbs has also been producing videos as part of an ongoing Landscape and Light series. In the video below, we see the third Landscape and Light video, this time covering the very important topic of recognizing great light.

It's one thing to be able to find great light, it's another skill altogether to be able to recognize it. In his latest video, Gibbs talks specifically about reflective light, which has its own challenges but also its own unique benefits for landscape photography.

Where might you find reflected light? Unlike in a studio, you don't have any control over what sort of light you get out in nature. You're at the mercy of the elements. This is what makes it particularly important that you be able to hone your skills of predicting good light and being able to recognize when it is good or might soon become good. While there are no guarantees, there are certainly ways you can improve your chances.

(Via Adam Gibbs