Photoshop Beginner Basics Tutorial: The first episode in a new video series focuses on layers


posted Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 10:30 AM EDT


If you have never used Adobe Photoshop, photographer Nino Batista's (warning: website may not be safe for work) new tutorial video series is designed for you. In the first episode, seen below, Batista covers the basics of Photoshop CC and how to use it to enhance your retouching and photo editing workflow.

The video below focuses on a few of the basics, including an overview of layers, how to use adjustment layers, creating and utilizing layer masks and the basics of brushes. In just under half an hour, you will be able to get your feet wet with Photoshop and begin laying the foundation to becoming a Photoshop expert. To see the next episode in the new Photoshop Beginner Basics video series, subscribe to Batista's YouTube channel.

(Via Nino Batista