Nikon D3300 Image Quality Comparison
Below are crops from our laboratory Still Life target comparing the Nikon D3300 with the Canon T5, Fujifilm X-A1, Nikon D3200, Pentax K-500 and Sony A5000.
NOTE: These images are best quality JPEGs straight out of the camera, at default settings including noise reduction and using the camera's actual base ISO (not extended ISO settings). All cameras in this comparison were shot with our very sharp reference lenses. Clicking any crop will take you to a carrier page where you can click once again to access the full resolution image as delivered straight from the camera. For those interested, you can access the full set of RAW images we shot via the Nikon D3300's Thumbnails page -- links to the RAW files appear beneath those for the JPEG images, wherever we have them. And remember, you can always go to our world renowned Comparometer to compare the Nikon D3300 to any camera we've ever tested.
Nikon D3300 versus Nikon D3200 at Base ISO
Nikon D3300 versus Canon T5 at Base ISO
Nikon D3300 versus Fujifilm X-A1 at Base ISO
Nikon D3300 versus Pentax K-500 at Base ISO
Nikon D3300 versus Sony A5000 at Base ISO
Most digital SLRs and CSCs will produce an excellent shot at base ISO, so we like to push them and see what they can do compared to other cameras at ISO 1600, 3200, and 6400. Recent advances in sensor technology have made ISO 1600 look a lot more like ISO 100, but there are still cameras whose quality starts to fall apart at this setting. We also choose 1600 because we like to be able to shoot at least at this level when indoors and at night.
Nikon D3300 versus Nikon D3200 at ISO 1600
Nikon D3300 versus Canon T5 at ISO 1600
Nikon D3300 versus Fujifilm X-A1 at ISO 1600
Nikon D3300 versus Pentax K-500 at ISO 1600
Nikon D3300 versus Sony A5000 at ISO 1600
Today's ISO 3200 is yesterday's ISO 1600 (well, almost), so below are the same crops at ISO 3200.
Nikon D3300 versus Nikon D3200 at ISO 3200
Nikon D3300 versus Canon T5 at ISO 3200
Nikon D3300 versus Fujifilm X-A1 at ISO 3200
Nikon D3300 versus Pentax K-500 at ISO 3200
Nikon D3300 versus Sony A5000 at ISO 3200
Detail: Nikon D3300 vs. Nikon D3200, Canon T5, Fujifilm X-A1, Pentax K-500 and Sony A5000
Nikon D3300 Print Quality Analysis
Very good 30 x 40 inch prints at ISO 100; a nice 13 x 19 at ISO 1600; a good 5 x 7 at ISO 12,800.
ISO 200 prints are great at 24 x 36 inches, also with fantastic color and detail.
ISO 400 images look very good at 20 x 30 inches with lots of fine detail. ISO 400 images also allow for 30 x 40 inch wall-mounted prints. At 24 x 36 inches, prints look very similar to ISO 200 but with only a minor trace of noise in the shadow areas (but you have look very closely).
ISO 800 prints are good at a very large 16 x 20 inches, and the D3300 does a good job of controlling noise levels for such a large print at this ISO. Like we saw with the D5300, low contrast detail is still very good in our challenging red swatch, something Nikon DSLRs tend to shine at.
ISO 1600 images produce a great 13 x 19 inch print. Even at this ISO, there's still only minor noise visible in the shadows areas with the rest of the print looking crisp and vibrant.
ISO 3200 prints look good up to 11 x 14 inches, and, as expected, show a little more noise in the shadows. Some edge detail is beginning to show a little softness, as well, but overall still impressive print quality at this size.
ISO 6400 images are starting to show slightly bland-looking colors, and noise is becoming more noticeable for an acceptable 8 x 10 inch print.
ISO 12,800 prints look similar to ISO 6400 ones but are just slightly softer and noisier, and 5 x 7 inch prints are the largest we can call acceptable.
ISO 25,600 does not yield a good print and is best avoided except for less critical applications.
The Nikon D3300 is a very impressive performer when it comes to print quality -- super-high resolution prints that stand shoulder-to-shoulder with higher-end, even professional-level cameras. And all this from a base, entry-level camera! The D3300 follows along with the D5300, producing exceptionally large prints for its price range and doing a great job with fine detail and color thanks to its AA-filterless 24-megapixel sensor and adept processing. At ISO 100, prints up to 30 x 40 inches and even larger look excellent. The D3300 does a great job of controlling noise, and when it does appear it tends to look more like film grain than many other cameras' default processing which can often look more like splotches than grain in flatter areas -- a quality we're seeing more and more in Nikon's DSLRs. At ISO 800, prints are still great looking at 16 x 20 inches, and even ISO 6400 images can go as large as an 8 x 10. Excellent job again, Nikon, for a super affordable DSLR that prints this nicely straight out of the camera.
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