One bird, two stones: $300 AND a photo trip with Pulitzer Prize winner Jay Dickman! September POTD winners announced
posted Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 5:07 PM EDT
Some photographs just "rise" to the occassion, and that's certainly the case with our Photo of the Day award winner for September. If the image looks familiar to you, it's because it also won the top spot in the joint Imaging Resource/Olympus/Jay Dickman photography contest this past month!
As it turned out, it was only after that honor (and awesome prize) had been awarded to IR reader Kay Brewer that we realized she'd also received a daily placement in our September Photo of the Day contest with the same image. This presented somewhat of a quandary, for those of us who knew that the image had already won the Olympus contest ... I mean, what if her photo didn't win our monthly award, after having won with Olympus and Jay?
Fortunately, there was no such issue - we voted blindly as we always do, and Kay's image won the contest pretty handily! It really is a striking photograph, and we're proud to display it once again, and to present Kay with yet another award on its behalf - this time a $300 gift certificate to Adorama! (Ok, we admit that's not quite as cool as a 4-day photography excursion with Jay Dickman, but it'll definitely help pay for Kay's next lens, body, printer, or other piece of photo gear!)
So, without further ado, we present our September Photo of the Day contest winner, Kay Brewer and her image "On Approach". Congratulations once again, Kay, and we hope to see many more of your photos coming our way!
Of course, not every image can be crowned #1, but we're happy to be able to award prizes of $200 and $100 in Adorama gift certificates to two other images each month, not to mention give two worthy runner-up images their 15 minutes of fame as well. We're grateful to all of you for the wonderful entries - congratulations to this month's winners for their excellent work!
[Clicking any of the images will take you to its page in our contest,
where you can see a larger version as well as relevant Exif data.]
So what are you waiting for? Could you use $300, $200, or $100 to add to your photo gear kit? You can't win if you don't enter, so dig through your favorite photos, and submit one!
[Thanks so much to everyone who enters our Photo of the Day contest. The top three images every month receive gift certificates from Adorama of $300, $200 and $100, respectively. [Note: international readers are welcome to enter, but regulations mean that only US and Canada residents are eligible to win the monthly prizes.] For anyone wanting to know more about our competition please visit this news story which describes our contest and also offers some useful tips to help you succeed, and this story which warns you of the best ways to NOT succeed. To see camera and exposure information for this month's winners or to see winners from previous months please visit our POTD winner's gallery.]
By the way, we're just starting a new series of reader-submitted articles called "Reader Stories" where we turn the tables and let you, our readers, do the talking! We're interested in seeing more of the shots you're the most happy with, and in hearing just how you got them, or just hearing about your passions and interests! Intrigued? Stay tuned, as we'll be unveiling that series very soon.
And please use the comments section below, to compliment September's winners on their fantastic work!