You simply must have some form of a backup workflow for your photography


posted Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT


Storage and backup workflows may not be the sexiest topic in photography, but that does not mean it is not critically important. There are many different strategies you can use to secure your image and video files, but the workflow highlighted below by photographer Attilio Ruffo is a good guideline.

While it possible to get away with no backup system in place for your photographs, it is only a matter of time before a hard drive fails or some other misfortune befalls you and you lose some – or all – of your photographs. The idea behind backing up your images is not necessarily to prevent a hard drive failure, but rather, to insure that if something bad does happen, you will be able to minimize the harm and ideally, be able to restore everything with no harm done at all. I understand it can be a hard sell to end up spending even more money on what is already an expensive hobby, especially if you have never experienced a storage failure, but a backup system is one of the most important types of "insurance" a photographer can invest in.

To learn about Ruffo's workflow, watch his full video below. Readers, what is your backup strategy? Do you utilize multiple local copies, do you use cloud storage? Let us know in the comments below.

(Via Attilio Ruffo