Nikon Photo Contest winners for 2018-2019 unveiled!


posted Monday, July 29, 2019 at 2:51 PM EDT


Nikon has today announced the winners of its prestigious yearly photography contest, and as a website dedicated to the gear used to capture the images, we're pleased to display the results for you here. And given that the photo contest is now celebrating its 50th year, it's all the more intriguing for photographers everywhere.

Indeed, the art of photography and submissions to photography contests seems to be growing in popularity, which is a great thing for all us. Nikon received an all-time high number of submissions this time around - more than 97,000(!) - from 170 countries around the world. This bodes well for the state of the arts and for the camera industry as a whole, and is an encouraging sign for the future of photography.

World-renowned art director Neville Brody served as lead judge for the competition and stated that the panel of judges asked themselves "What is the role of photography in the future?" in contemplating the images. "I think the variety in the works that have made it through to the awards, the narratives, the connections, and the surprises will make a really interesting debate about the world we live in and how we view it,” Brody said.

And so, without further ado, let's get to the prize-winning photographs!

Open Award - theme of "Hope" : Gold Prize Winners

Single Winner

“Alma and Alzheimer’s” by Jason Parnell-Brookes
(United Kingdom)

Story Winner

“Hope” by Thaib Chaidar


Next Generation Award - theme of "Identity" : Gold Prize Winners

Single Winner

“Ayimpoka” by Sara De Antonio Feu

Story Winner

“Fang hua / Moments in Our Youthful Days” by Tu Jinghan


Short Film Award - theme of "Hope" : Gold Prize Winner

“Exulansis” by Sara Crochet


Congratulations to the winners for 2018/2019! One Grand Prize winner will be selected from the above Gold Winners in Tokyo on August 23rd. For more information please see Nikon's official contest page.