Capture One teases a new update: Magic Brush and improved Exporter


posted Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 5:30 PM EDT


Details are scarce but Capture One is teasing its next feature update for Capture One 21. In an email sent to customers, screenshots below, Capture One outlines new performance and workflow improvements. The upcoming update comes a little over a month after Capture One added support for Apple Silicon. It's not immediately clear when the next update will be officially released. Capture One just says, 'Coming soon.'

Capture One is introducing a 'Magic Brush' in the next update. This tool allows you to 'create complex masks in a split-second.' By drawing over an area, you can mark the area you wish to mask with the Magic Brush, and 'Capture One fills in the rest for you.' The promised result is a precise and refined mask, guaranteeing accuracy.

Image credit: Blake Pope

On the workflow side of things, the Exporter is undergoing a redesign. The Capture One team is improving the Exporter such that the entire suite of options is all on one screen. A new Proofing Viewer has been added, allowing you to visualize your final photo with your selected output settings applied. To further simplify the workflow, you can also now replace imports on export.

Image credit: Bryan Minear

While the next Capture One update may not be jam-packed with new features, it represents a shift in Capture One's approach moving forward. The company will be releasing more frequent, smaller updates, releasing features as soon as they're ready for the public. By more regularly updating Capture One, the company hopes to deliver more value for its subscribers. Of course, not everyone pays for Capture One monthly or annually, many users still have lifetime licenses. New updates are good for all customers. For more information on this approach, refer back to our interview with Capture One's CEO, Rafael Orta.

For more information on Capture One, click here.